01 January 2013

Guys, this is Top Secret

 Happy New Year, deviants!! Well, it looks like we survived a rather anticlimactic apocalypse--I hope you all had a lovely holiday and that you all had tons of delicious food!

I have a really fun announcement for you guys on this first day of 2013. There's a project that I'm a part of this year, and it's called:



What is it? Well, Bringing YA to You (or YA2U for short) was a project that came from you guys--all of you who have ever said, "Why won't a book tour make a stop in my hometown?" Well, that's what we (and by 'we', i mean me and four other authors) want to do! We're hosting a contest--everyone gets to put in whatever city they most want us to go to, and whatever town has the most votes, will get an exclusive tour stop from all five of us!

I'm so excited about this project, because for the first time, we get to let our readers choose our tour stop, and I can't wait to see where we'll end up!

And that's not all--we're also hosting another contest where, if you help us spread the word, we'll give you ten signed books, all the books we've published so far!

You can find the full details of the YA2U project here: [link] and you can also go ahead and enter your hometown for the win and help spread the word. There's also lots of cool features on the site, including downloadable posters (consider putting them up in your school or library! More votes = a better chance for you to win!) and other tips on how to win.

Now, notice how there are four other amazing authors who are a part of this? Want to know who they are? To find out the next mystery author who will be on our YA2U tour, click here [link] ! And happy new year, deviants--can't wait to spend another year with you guys. <3

The Secret is Out!

Thank you all for stopping by! Welcome to "Bringing YA to You" or "YA2U" for short! At this website, you'll learn all about the unique contest we're offering--a chance for you to win a book tour stop to your hometown.

Be sure to check out the official contest rules, and then enter!

You have two ways to win:

  1. If your hometown gets the most votes, you win the authors in a unique, one-stop, book tour event!
  2. If you help spread the word, you're entered into a drawing where you can win the entire collection of the authors' books--10 books in total, all signed!
What are you waiting for? Join the fun today!

Marie Lu

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